Submit Application
Submit Application along with $25 application fee
The $25 application fee will be credited towards the adoption cost
Interview with foster parent, staff volunteer or director will be completed based on interest of available dog to determine based on the needs of the dog as well as the family
Reference Checks
One of our team of volunteers will call your veterinarian to confirm: routine vet care, vaccination history, heartworm prevention
Three personal references will be called to confirm their recommendation for applicant
Complete Contract
Once chosen for a dog (or cat), the adoption contract will be signed and the adoption costs paid
Application Approval
Based on references, application will approved, conditionally approved, or declined
Adoption Day!
Tranport can be arranged, which will be dependent on maximizing a trip with multiple adoptions. Transportation costs will be estimated based on number of adoptions with the transport, mileage covered, etc.
Dogs or cats can also be picked up based on location.
Our process is thorough to ensure the best fit for our rescues and our adoptive families. Wo do this to try to ensure the best placement for our dogs to reduce the chance of a poor fit. We have a very successful rate of permanent adoptions, less than 2% ever returned for any reason. We do commit to the dogs for life. If for any reason there is a change in life circumstances or an adoption is not a good fit, we will take the dog or cat back.